In my last blog, I shared insights from the Animal Agriculture Alliance’s report from the virtual Farmed Animal Conference E-Summit (FACES) hosted during the summer
There’s almost always a shortage of time and a lack of space on dairy farms. When deciding which animals get the most attention and best resources, the answer is typically the milking herd, and understandably...
As many of you know, we switched to a robotic milking system last November. When we made the change, we had a pretty good idea of how things would go initially
Looking for a bit of good news lately? Here is something those of us in agriculture can be proud of: in a recent Gallup poll that asked American adults if they had a positive or negative perception of
My family went on their first vacation to visit a friend in California last spring. It was the first time in 18 years that my parents had left the farm for more than a long weekend outside of driving distance
Various authors and studies have likened willpower to a muscle. They have explained that it must be repeatedly practiced before it becomes stronger and the new habit second nature
In the span of just over a week, my two oldest cows both passed away. Both developed conditions that sprang up and were treated meticulously — only to no avail
June is coming . . . did you read that ominously, like from Game of Thrones? You should have because June is almost here, and it’s looking like it’s going to be a battle. Online, at least
You might be thinking that with COVID-19 stay-at-home rules in place and limits on how many people can gather, your annual National Dairy Month farm tour should be canceled, too
Located in Blackstone, Va., Richlands Dairy and Creamery is home to multiple generations of the Jones family that continue to work day in and day out to provide consumers with their best products, service,...
If you are like me, you know that it’s smart to stay updated on everything going on; however, you also enjoy the times where everyone isn’t talking about COVID-19